ASAP LockSafe
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222 N. Federal Hwy
Hallandale, FL
3 blocks north of 
Hallandale Bch Blvd.
on U.S. 1

1940 Tigertail Blvd
Dania Beach, FL
Off I95 between Griffin and Stirling Rd.


Serving greater Fort Lauderdale, Miami, 
and the Palm Beaches

Serving Dade-Broward-Palm Beach since 1993
(954) 457-2727 (305) 932- 4405 Fax (954) 455-8915


When should I re-key my locks? 

Re-keying a lock is the process of replacing the tumblers (pins, wafer tumblers) of a lock cylinder with new tumblers of different sizes. A new key will coincide with the new tumblers and the old key will no longer work. In other words, it is not necessary to buy new locks. Re-keying locks is something that should be done if you have moved into a new residence or lost a set of keys. Most automobile locks can be re-keyed as well. Re-keying locks is usually significantly less expensive than replacing them and just as secure.

Re-key your locks if you have moved into a new location had an employee leave had your keys stolen had contractors at your facility.
Even if you get your keys back from previous owners or former employees, it's easy for them to have duplicated your keys...and be able to gain access to your property, files, and cash.  

I just moved - should I re-key my locks even though they are working properly?
The answer is YES! Everyone gives their house keys to someone they trust. This does not mean YOU can trust them. How many neighbors, old baby sitters, cleaning people are walking around with the key to your home? Change the locks and then give keys to people you and you alone trust.

When should I upgrade my locks? 

1. Can your keys be duplicated without your permission?
Most property crimes are committed by people who have or had access to your keys. When you last had keys made, were you surprised that you weren't asked for identification? Getting a key system where keys cannot be duplicated without your authorization will provide the greatest protection for you.  With some brands of locks you can rest assured that the neighbor, babysitter, employee or contractor cannot have a duplicate key made. 

2. Can your currents locks be picked, drilled, or otherwise
compromised by physical attack?
All locks are not created equal. Every home should have a deadbolt on every exterior door. Some older homes have deadbolts with only a half-inch throw and these should be replaced.  Just having a locking doorknob is one step away from having nothing. 


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