Locksmith Scammers Likely Targeting Woman?oman
Locksmith Scammers Likely Targeting Woman?
A True Scenario:
“After an evening out with her friends, Carol gets home and realizes
her house keys are missing. She searches on her phone for a locksmith
and calls the first company listed that claims $15 service
A man
shows up in a t-shirt and a white car and after a few minutes playing
with her lock, he says. "This lock cannot be picked open; it will have
to be drilled." At this point, Carol just wants to get in her house and
go to bed. He drills the lock open, replaces it, and hands Carol a bill
for $350”, while in reality a licensed locksmith would have
picked that lock in less than 5 minutes, and would have charge $65.00
to do it.

Locksmith scams such as the one illustrated above have been going on for over a decade and have been well documented by the Federal Trade Commission and other consumer watchdogs. Although widely reported by local media across the country, most consumers are still unaware of the unethical practices of these fraudulent companies, many listing fictitious local addresses and phone numbers to further dupe the unassuming public, and more often than not the victims reporting this abuses are women. ASAP Lock & Safe has always been aware of this trend and we hope that the the study that we present is enough to bring attention to this issue as it is affecting the safety of woman on a daily basis. .
Methods, Results, and Conclusions

To Download
The List of 43 News
Reports Sampled, Click
method used to gather the reports was to perform searches on Google,
Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube for keywords in relation to the Locksmith
Scam. Before including a report in the list we made sure there was not
a duplicate. The reports were gathered from: Local and National TV
stations websites, YouTube Videos, local online newspaper reports, and
private online postings of victims, for a total of 43 Locksmith Scam
Results are as following:
In 74% of the reports we surveyed the victim was a woman.
Additionally, a good percentage, 12% of the reports, were re-enactments
staged by news stations, although they are done by actors, they all
show women as a victim and it can very well be that the ones originally
denouncing the problem to the news outlets were women. If these were to
be added the percentage of woman victims in the reports would rise to
An additional 4% of the reports were about Ghost Businesses and
Business Identity Theft, while in the remaining 9% of the reports the
victim was a man.
This data suggests that women are more likely to be victims
of the
Locksmith Scam than men. To which extent this is done with explicit
intent it is not the subject of this report. We believe the
size of the sample and the tendency is strong enough to bring this
issue to the forefront. Out of 43 different reports spanning numerous
cities and a period of 7 years, 32 had women as victims, representing a
74% of the total, and it’s possible the percentage could be higher. We
believe this is an alarming number and it requires further study,
education, and dissemination by local and national public safety
authorities, woman’s safety organizations, and woman’s related
Press - Downloads
General Press Release, Click to Download.
Pinterest Press Release, Click to Download.
Español - Comunicado de Prensa, Haga Click Aqui.
Llist of reports sampled for the study. Results and Conclusions, Click to Download.
5 Tips to Avoid The Locksmith Scam
1.- Save the phone number of a reputable locksmith in your
2.- Share the phone number with family members.
3.- Make sure the Locksmith has a local shop.
4.- When you call corroborate they answer with the name of the company
as advertisied, for example: "Good Morning, ASAP Locksmith How Can I
Help You?,
not a generic term like "Good Morning, Locksmith Services"
5.- Ask if they wear uniforms or identifiable service vehicles, and
confirm it when they arrive.
Locksmith Scam Videos, Links, & Resources.
Komo News Locksmith Scam TV Report.
File a Locksmith Scam Complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
New York Times: Picking the Lock of Google’s Search
When You Call A Locksmith, Will A Con Man Answer?
Just be honest, OK? Just tell the truth
Federal Trade Commission Guidelines to Hire a Reputable Locksmith
Associated Locksmith of America (ALOA) Locksmith Scam Compendium
Angie’s List Locksmith Scam Alert: 7 Tips to Avoid Locksmith Scams
Locksmith Complaints Are On The Rise
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