
Category Archives: Safes

Safe Opening Services in South Florida.

There is mystic to safes, and when they happen to be closed with no way of opening it but the graceful intervention of a safecracker, the mystic is two-fold, well at least for the hired safecracker. Any safe opening expert can tell you that all the patience and the hard work needed to open a safe is worth it when at last the sound of the lock opening is heard, it is a moment, they would tell you, in which adrenaline rushes through their heads. It has nothing to do with what might be found inside the safe and everything to do with the fulfillment of the safecraker’s destiny.

In this case one of our safe opening experts was sent to open this Mosler Safe and in an hour’s time the job was done.

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Floor Safe Installation

Floor Safes have many benefits, in fact they are the preferred option for many customers, and no wonder about it. If you wish to conceal your safe installing it inside the ground makes it virtually impossible for burglars to find it, and that in and of itself is the deciding factor for many. Factors to consider before installing a floor safe, are: additional charge for installation, quick accessibility to the contents of the safe, and some concerns about flooding. However, when the conditions are right, there is nothing like an in-ground safe to provide security.

Posted in Floor Safe Installations, Floor Safes, Safes | Tagged blankslateblankslate Leave a comment